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Understanding Sensory Processing Through Stories: Course for Kids and Parents

Calling All Parents!

Get ready to embark on an incredible sensory adventure with your kids!

Is your child curious about their unique sensory systems?

Do they sometimes struggle to understand their own behaviours?

Do they sometimes get overwhelmed with certain noises, smells, food or textures on their skin?


The Super Sensory Squad is here to help!

Step into the amazing world of "Understanding Sensory Processing Through Stories" with the fantastic Super Sensory Squad 🐧.

🤩 Meet the Super Sensory Squad! 🤩
Introducing our extraordinary penguin crew! These aren't your average waddlers; these Squadsters possess incredible powers and they are inviting your kids on a exciting adventure through Sensory Island!

📖 What's on the Adventure Agenda? 📖


We introduce your little explorers to the Super Sensory Squad and the fascinating realm of sensory sensations. Your kids will join each of the eight Squadsters on a remarkable journey. Each Squadster has a unique "Squadster Power" that helps kids uncover their own super sensory strengths.


This course is for primary school-age kids. 


✅ What will you and your child get from this?

  • 🧠 Increased Understanding: Explore the eight sensory systems in a fun and relatable way.

  • 🌈 Improved Regulation: Learn strategies to navigate sensory challenges.

  • 😌 Less Meltdowns: Empower your child to express their needs and feelings.

  • 🌟 Empowered Kids for Life: Build lifelong skills for emotional well-being.

This course comes with explanation videos for the children, story videos, a Squadster handbook and bonus videos for parents to understand each sensory system. 


Don't miss out on the fun - enroll now, have lifetime access for only £47 and start the coolest sensory adventure ever! 

This course is part one of a two part series to help build understanding and a regulatory lifestyle so watch out for part two in Jan 2024.

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